Thursday, August 6, 2009

people vs relationships...

Last night, I had a very interesting conversation with an even more interesting person. Topic of discussion – ‘Managing people vs relationships!’

So generally, when we think of people in our lives, we also take into consideration the relationship we share with them – cousins/ friends/ parents etc. The two aren’t really mutually exclusive – or that’s how we see it.

But this person, who by the way is one of my dearest and closest friends, has a different theory. I am not too certain if I agree with it completely, but I intend to give it a thought – who knows it might just make life a lot simpler!

So here is what he says – Don’t always look at people or think of them with respect to the relationship you have with them. Look at them minus the “R” factor – as individuals who form an integral part of your system. Whenever a relationship is in troubled waters or in doldrums, you end up thinking – will I lose this friend/ person? Will he still be there for me after all that’s happened?

While this might apply to most people around, there is still that bunch of guys who will stay – these are the ones who will not leave you just because some things did not work out between the two of you or you had a squabble or a disagreement or a really rough patch. These are the ones who really are a part of you and your life. This is where you need to have FAITH - in that PERSON more than the relationship. Believe that, no matter what, these are the people who will always be by your side. They will be your confidence and your support.

So see beyond just the tie that links you both. See what that person really brings to your life.

I know this sounds too theoretical, but somewhere down the line, I see where it’s coming from. And I will work towards following it. And I know it will be worth the effort. For, it comes from one such person who is undoubtedly a beautiful part of my life.

Monday, August 3, 2009

So I've been thinking.....

....of writing a blog for sometime now. Feels like there are just too many thoughts. They linger on in your head ....stay on for a few days/ weeks etc....and then just disappear. And then there are new ones. And yet, the same thing happens. What a waste!!!

But when you think of it....these thoughts never really had a structure to them....which is proably why I couldn't pen them down. I haven't really been the best with my writing abilities....since ....well, the beginning :D

And so I've been thinking...about life. Not just mine for that matter, but in general. Just like that...for no particular reason I think.

So a wierd thought cross my mind. I got the idea of my life (or for that matter, anyone else's too) having some real resemblance to a corporate organization or a business entity. Its been created undr a charter, with a set of basic guidelines governing all actions - more like groundrules. And then there are stakeholders - family, friends, neighbors (well, not so much), more family, office people, etc etc etc. Seems like a long long list!

Just like you'd expect a corporate to act, you too live by those guidelines (read: ways of the world), keeping in mind the concerns and requirements of the stakeholders, and ofcourse - you have got to reward them for their contributions!

But does the organization function only for them or for their interests? So coming back to the original point, what about YOU? Do you continue to operate like this for all times? Don't you fee theres something amiss here? Why do I feel there's a big gap? And why do I feel life is so much more complicated than it really should be?

Maybe its the Monday morning blues getting to me.... or maybe...its a lot more than that.

Maybe.....its time to take a break.......for myself! :D